Tuesday, March 12, 2013

To Jaco Beach for the Day!

For these last two weekends I have spent here in San Jose, I decided to go make the most of my time with the low budget I have! I went to playa Jaco, a beach only about an hour and half drive from San Jose, for the day with two of my girl friends. It was a good time, but so incredibly hot!! So as you can guess, we spent most of our time in the water. It was an overcast day, but still nice to spend time at the beach. A surf instructor joined us and even took us fishing for a while!

Fishing on the beach
On my bucket list to do while I am in this beautiful country is to ride a horse on the beach.  One of the best moments of my life!! I was lucky enough to horseback ride for 10 minutes. I was so elated! It was definitely a beautiful experience. 
Horseback riding on the beach <3
I am pretty sure I am becoming an expert at this public transportation in Costa Rica. I can't believe how inexpensive it is. It makes me want to take public transit when I get back to California, but then I think again and decided against it. Probably a good idea to stay safer and drive my own car. 
There are so many beaches and other places to go here in Costa Rica, even in three months its hard to visit them all! I only hope to continue to get the best out of this trip while I am still here. 
I can't believe I only have three more weeks left in the God-blessed country. 

~"The best dreams happen with you're awake." ~

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